匹ertified by NAMI, Miami/Dade approved and approved by the Florida Building Commission
髭ach entry unit comes with a Transferable Limited Lifetime Warranty
桧ur doors are hand-forged and custom made, manufactured with 14 gauge galvanized iron
謬he Door frame and the door panels are insulated
彦actory installation available throughout the Southeast United States. This includes the removal and disposal of the current entry unit
謬he door thickness is 1 1/2"
謬he Door frames are 1 1/2" wide x 6" deep. The frames can be made to other specifications
標rought Iron of 1/2" to 5/8" is used in scroll design. Depending on intricacy of design other thicknesses can be used
謬empered glass is used on all door units for safety measures (at least 3/8" thick) . Other glass options are available to meet customer's needs including laminate impact glass
Custom Iron Handlesets are available and meet all of our engineered certifications
百tandard hardware specification is: 2 1/8" boring, 2 3/8" backset, 5 1/2" center to center
菱ardware of your choice must be known so we can bore holes. Templates need to be provided if specifications are different than the standard
標e are a Baldwin and Emtek dealer and recommend tubular locks through either one of these two brands
謬he doors come as a pre-hung unit with a custom made galvanized iron frame. It supports the weight of the door and allows ease of installation
髭xtension flush bolts are used on double door units. The flush bolts are the mechanisms that lock the passive door of a double door unit
姫emko weather stripping and self-adhesive weather-strip are used around the door frame and the glass frame (if door has operable glass panels) making the door weather tight
謬here are two options on the swing of the doors: in-swing and out-swing
標eight will vary depending of measurements and design. A 3' wide by 8' tall door weights approximately 220 pounds
彪arious paint colors and finishes are available. Because the doors are hand painted, slight variations in the colors may occur
姫ricing is determined by size of unit and type of design selected
姫roduction times vary according to season and will be added to your estimate